The Goldin Institute is staffed by a diverse group of talented and committed individuals around the world working towards a common goal of creating real local and global change rooted in the power of communities determining their own futures.
Victoria Brady
President and CEO, ABJ Community Services

Victoria Carol Brady is the Founder and Pastor of Restoring Hope Ministries International. She is also the President of Annie B. Jones Community Services, Inc., a unique center for cross-generational arts-entrepreneurialism, culture, peace-building, activism, and community empowerment. She is developing a leadership model to help aspiring artists and other youth become change agents in their communities. She is a member of the 3rd District Clergy Sub-Committee, which focuses on building a positive relationship between the Chicago Police Department and the community. She recently completed her first film, “Healing the Divide,” to feature some of the work of Third District CAPS and its clergy committee. The film can be used as a training tool for community engagement and peace-building. She hosts peace circles with ABJ youth and Third District CAPS. Her burning desire is to bring a ray of hope to the next generation of leaders as they take their rightful place in society.