Join the Movement

We believe that communities best know the solutions to the challenges they face, but they often lack the resources to convene stakeholders, share tools and leverage resources. We help communities achieve their goals through a combination of online and on the ground educational and capacity building initiatives. We believe our approach and partnership model enables real change at the community level.


We always need champions for community driven social change. Volunteers have lead some of the most innovative and powerful work of the Goldin Institute, from security and awareness agents in Haiti to emergency disaster recovery in the Philippines. We occassionally have volunteer projects in the Chicago office or on-line. If you are interested, we hope you will use the contact form to get in touch.


Help us Expand Online!

Help us expand online! Many organizations work on issues of poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, women's leadership and conflict resolution. What sets the Goldin Institute apart is our community-driven approach. Help us expand online so we can expand our work on the ground.



Stay up to date by signing up for our periodic newsletter to grassroots champions like you! We promise to not load up your inbox with anything but stories about grassroots leadership in action. And as always, you can unsubscribe at anytime and we never sell or share your contact information.



Giving to the Goldin Institute is an excellent way to empower communities around the world to solve critical issues. The Goldin Institute's core costs such as offices, supplies and staffing are already underwritten, so your tax-deductible donation will go directly to community-driven projects.

Fall 2015 eNewsletter

Featured: Philippine Water Project, Haiti and updates on KOFAVIV, Kenya and Uganda. Also, new developments in our Chicago office with additions to our team.

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The Goldin Institute is developing a tablet-based mobile learning platform to train grassroots activists in Community-Driven Social Change tools. This innovative course will be built for the iPad with the instructional materials and interactive capacity built in to the device as a way to overcome the digital divide that limits many leaders in our network.

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