The Goldin Institute is staffed by a diverse group of talented and committed individuals around the world working towards a common goal of creating real local and global change rooted in the power of communities determining their own futures.
Robin Cline
Chicago Peace Fellow
Humboldt Park

Robin Cline currently serves as Assistant Director of NeighborSpace, an urban land trust in Chicago. Robin’s leadership is multifaceted, involving neighborhood agency, creative stewardship, and program design. She supports community leaders throughout Chicago in developing, managing, and sustaining community land sites, with a special focus on community nature play and public program projects.

Robin is also the part-time executive director for the art group OperaMatic, a site-specific artist group that activates public spaces in Humboldt Park and Hermosa with playful, collaborative, and civic performances. In both her current roles, Robin advances community cohesion through creative effort and social play.

"The biggest opportunity in our communities right now is the practice of “joyful” civic engagement, because we really do feel better when we are together."