The Goldin Institute is staffed by a diverse group of talented and committed individuals around the world working towards a common goal of creating real local and global change rooted in the power of communities determining their own futures.
Michelle Kuiper
Gather Fellow, United States

Michelle LeAnn Kuiper from Kentucky in the United States is a Survivor Advocate at the Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs. She volunteers her time educating audiences at schools, churches and other community-based institutions on how to change the language around sexual assault and rape. She has worked in a non-partisan basis with the state legislatures in Kentucky and Indiana to pass six major reform laws in three years, all while attending college full-time. In Indiana, the laws she helped pass require DNA to be collected at felony arrest as well as audits for rape kits. Currently, she is working on a bill that would track rape kits and change the definition of rape. In Kentucky, she audited and worked on clearing a backlog of rape kits, and also worked on rape kit reform, testing and tracking, and helped pass a law that changes the definition for rape.